Classic Nia - Love How you Feel

Dynamic movement, music and mindful awareness together create a powerful class experience that leaves you feeling energized, enlivened and balanced.  Experienced barefoot and adaptable to all needs and abilities, the practice is a blend of 52 movements drawn from:

Martial Arts - Tai Chi, Tae Kwon Do, Aikido

Dance Arts - Jazz, Duncan Dance, Modern Dance

Healing Arts - Yoga, the work of Moshe Feldenkrais and the Alexander Technique

Nia offers the benefits of traditional fitness - mobility, stability, flexibility, agility, strength and cardiovascular conditioning through movement variety that can be zesty, expressive, gentle, powerful and systemic.

Nia is holistic and joyful as it honors the wisdom of your body and the art of sensation and pleasure to nourish embodied wellness.


Moving to Heal